If you don’t know us as the Emphasys Housing Locator, you may know us as myhousingsearch or by one of our regional housing locators.

Customized Housing Locators

Emphasys Housing Locator serves consumers nationwide with the most comprehensive and up-to-date housing information for every need and budget. To ensure optimal support for your constituency, Emphasys Housing Locator teams up with the Expivia USA Call Center, which provides compassionate live support for the Housing Locator Suite.

We have over two decades of proven industry experience in creating affordable housing databases, websites, and web content. Over our history, we have grown into the number-one national provider of affordable, accessible, specialty, and disaster recovery housing locator services, unmatched in our level of end-user customer service and our track record of success.

Emphasys Housing Locator is part of the Emphasys Software Housing Finance Division.

Maximize Access to Affordable, Accessible Housing